Here you will find the external links, some of which may actually be useful!!
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GWEF is a federation of Honda Gold Wing motorcycle owner’s clubs comprising one national club from each of 26 European countries including Russia and Turkey.
The GWEF Calendar for the International Treffens can be found on this website.

The Goldwing Owners Club of Ireland, GWOCI, are affiliated with the Goldwing European Federation and Motorcycling Ireland.
We have close links with the club, with many of of members also being paid-up GWOCI members.
We have held friendship weekends for the last couple of years, and regularly attend each others events.

Another club we have close links with is the Goldwing Owners Club of Great Britain, GWOCGB. They too are a GWEF affiliated club.
Our members have previously attended their International Treffen, along with their regional Wing Dings.
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